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Начало БОИ за рисуване Акварелни бои DANIEL SMITH DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine™ Gray Titanium Watercolor 15 ml. - World`s finest artists` paints

DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine™ Gray Titanium Watercolor 15 ml. - World`s finest artists` paints

Цена: 24.90лв.
  • Код:
Imagine a rich and warm dark that can be textured with salt, squeegeed to reveal a warm residue stain and still have enough body to render glowing cedar bark in one stroke. That sums up medium staining, transparent Permanent Brown. Starting with 10 parts water to 1 part paint (by weight) in the palette, our chemist paints the top half of the swatch uniformly with a round brush to show the paint’s color and characteristics. For the bottom half, he dips a ¾” flat brush into the paint well just once, then applies the color in stripes until the brush is dry, which shows the color’s tone and behavior through a wash. We use these swatches for color matching during the manufacturing process. As a single pigment, Gray Titanium mixes wonderfully with other colors, adding both warmth and softness due to its semi-transparent/semi-opaque characteristic. Gray Titanium both lightens and neutralizes the colors it’s mixed with. You can see the lightening and neutralizing in this mixing grid painted with Gray Titanium and the DANIEL SMITH Essentials 5 ml Watercolor Set. The Essentials Set is a split primary with two sets of primary colors, a cool triad (Hansa Yellow Light, Quinacridone Rose, and French Ultramarine) and a warm triad (New Gamboge, Pyrrol Scarlet, and Phthalo Blue (Green Shade). Below is the diagram showing what colors are mixed with what. The rectangles that show “+GT” are the two-color mix plus the addition of Gray Titanium. This shows the softening of the mixed color, which you can compare to the straight two-color mixes. For example, compare rectangle NG + HYL [New Gamboge mixed with Hansa Yellow Light] to rectangle HYL + NG + GT which has Gray Titanium mixed in. So how does our Gray Titanium compare with our Buff Titanium? Both colors are unique to DANIEL SMITH and are made with slightly different versions of PW 6 (Buff Titanium is PW 6:1). They both have the same properties – granulating, semi-transparent, non-staining and excellent lightfastness. Both have a creaminess quality, but Gray Titanium granulates with gray, and Buff Titanium granulates with a light tan or buff.
  • Използвани пигменти:
    PW 6
  • Серия:
  • Светлоустойчивост:
    I = Отлична (100+ години)
  • Прозрачност:
  • Staining:
    1 - Non-Staining
  • Гранулация:
    Има гранулация в различна степен

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Информация за Съответствие
DANIEL SMITH - Боите на най-добрите художници в света. Акварелните бои DANIEL SMITH са наситени с висококачествени пигменти. Цветовата гама се състои от повече от 260 цвята с ненадмината чистота, устойчивост на светлина и трайност. Боите се предлагат в разфасовки от 15мл. Намерете своето творческо вдъхновение с най-широката гама акварели в света – общо 266 цвята в три линии: Extra Fine, PrimaTek и Luminescent. Създадена да отговаря и надвишава най-високите индустриални стандарти, всяка партида е щателно анализирана за своите експлоатационни качества – светлоустойчивост, стойност на цвета, сила на оцветяване, яснота, жизненост, подтон, размер на частиците, плътност и вискозитет. Рисувайте всичко, което можете да си представите, с живи и постоянни цветове, които могат лесно да се смесват за още повече вариации.
  • Използвани пигменти:
    PW 6
  • Серия:
  • Светлоустойчивост:
    I = Отлична (100+ години)
  • Прозрачност:
  • Staining:
    1 - Non-Staining
  • Гранулация:
    Има гранулация в различна степен