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Начало БОИ за рисуване Акварелни бои DANIEL SMITH DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine™ Jane’s Grey Watercolor 15 ml. - World`s finest artists` paints

DANIEL SMITH Extra Fine™ Jane’s Grey Watercolor 15 ml. - World`s finest artists` paints

Цена: 30.90лв.
  • Код:
“Jane’s Grey is a unique color in the market. Most grays, whether Payne’s Gray, Neutral Tint or others, are made with a black pigment, and often phthalo blue is included. Artist Jane Blundell wanted a gray without the often-dulling effect of a black pigment, and without the staining effects of phthalo blue. She wanted a gray that was liftable and granulating to create the lovely look of stormy skies and softened shadows. It will also work as a neutral tint, darkening colors without changing them. Using a gray that is made with palette colors maintains color harmony in an artwork. Many artists mix ultramarine blue and burnt sienna as they work, but no one was making this gorgeous mix as a convenience color, so she did to make it easy to create rich darks with ease. Initially she mixed it in individual pans and palettes but the demand from her students meant she started to make it in tubes. A few years ago, Jane asked DANIEL SMITH to make her Jane’s Grey easily available to artists everywhere. Now available as part of our Signature Series, Jane’s Grey is semi-transparent, granulating, low staining and has excellent lightfastness.” Starting with 10 parts water to 1 part paint (by weight) in the palette, our chemist paints the top half of the swatch uniformly with a round brush to show the paint’s color and characteristics. For the bottom half, he dips a ¾” flat brush into the paint well just once, then applies the color in stripes until the brush is dry, which shows the color’s tone and behavior through a wash. We use these swatches for color matching during the manufacturing process.
  • Използвани пигменти:
    PB 29, PBr 7
  • Серия:
  • Светлоустойчивост:
    I = Отлична (100+ години)
  • Прозрачност:
  • Staining:
    2 - Low Staining
  • Гранулация:
    Има гранулация в различна степен

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Информация за Съответствие
DANIEL SMITH - Боите на най-добрите художници в света. Акварелните бои DANIEL SMITH са наситени с висококачествени пигменти. Цветовата гама се състои от повече от 260 цвята с ненадмината чистота, устойчивост на светлина и трайност. Боите се предлагат в разфасовки от 15мл. Намерете своето творческо вдъхновение с най-широката гама акварели в света – общо 266 цвята в три линии: Extra Fine, PrimaTek и Luminescent. Създадена да отговаря и надвишава най-високите индустриални стандарти, всяка партида е щателно анализирана за своите експлоатационни качества – светлоустойчивост, стойност на цвета, сила на оцветяване, яснота, жизненост, подтон, размер на частиците, плътност и вискозитет. Рисувайте всичко, което можете да си представите, с живи и постоянни цветове, които могат лесно да се смесват за още повече вариации.
  • Използвани пигменти:
    PB 29, PBr 7
  • Серия:
  • Светлоустойчивост:
    I = Отлична (100+ години)
  • Прозрачност:
  • Staining:
    2 - Low Staining
  • Гранулация:
    Има гранулация в различна степен