Royal Talens
Creativity is one of the most powerful human assets. It stimulates our ability to express, to learn and to connect. It has the power to make the world a better place. Ever since we discovered that in 1899, it has been our goal to stimulate as many people possible to express their creativity.
Empower your creativity. Let it out!
DANIEL SMITH - world's finest artists` paints
Daniel Smith is a leading global manufacturer of artist-quality paints and mediums, including watercolor and gouache.
Daniel Smith Inc. manufactures professional artist quality watercolor paints, oil paints and mediums. Owner John Cogley maintains an unwavering commitment to quality and innovation, so that artists worldwide can always rely on the stellar performance of DANIEL SMITH products, which are proudly made in the USA since 1976.
We produce papers that are designed for all your creative needs. Highly recommended by both amateur and professional creatives, our papers appeal to artists for their purity and distinction.
POSCA is a paint marker popular with artists and creative hobbyists. An essential tool for creation and self-expression, it is used by amateurs and professionals every day on all types of materials.
Welcome to Germany's first manufacturer of artist colours.
"Color is our life – and our passion. Using our knowledge and skills with color, mixed with a great deal of intuition for color, we produce high-quality
paints responsibly and sustainably to make artists, children and creative minds happy.
I sincerely hope you enjoy our KREUL paints and colors."
Winsor & Newton
Winsor & Newton - отдадени на това да създават арт материали с най-добро качество.
"Посветяваме времето си на създаването на висококачествени арт материали, откриване и разработване на нови идеи следвайки най-новите технологии."
Leader pencils and school supplies manufacturing since 1790.
Maestro Pan
Manufacturer of high quality art materials made in Bulgaria.
We are proud to have Paestro Pan for our partner.
Painting Palette Knives
The spatula par excellence in the widest range of shapes in the world, to meet the needs of each artist. The steel blade is tempered and ground manually to guarantee constant flexibility and maximum quality.
ABIG Lino-Cutting-Tools are the fundamental manufacturing in our company. Since more than 50 years we offer a various range of Lino-Cutting-Tools what makes us one of the leading companies all over the world in this market.
Polymer clay made in the USA, with high-quality, flexible materials in innovative brands.
Welcome to the colorful world of MUNGYO!
MUNGYO has had various product portfolios such as art, office and school supplies.
Based on trust from customers, art and school supplies of MUNGYO is positioned as a leading company in global stationery industry as well as domestic market.
Drawing supplies made in Japan.
ZIG is a registered trademark owned by Kuretake Co., Ltd.
ZIG products are made in Japan.
ZIG products are sold in over 80 countries world-wide.
STAMPERIA is a leader in the Arts and Crafts and Creative Hobby sector and has distributors and resellers in more than 60 countries of the world.
We are proud to have our long-term partner ART SERVICE by our side.
Very few companies can claim a longer or more distinguished heritage than Fabriano. Dating back to 1264, the Fabriano mill’s fine arts papers were used and highly praised by Michelangelo. Fabrianese paper masters pioneered many of the processes now common in paper manufacture today, including the watermark and the technique of surface sheet gluing using gelatine.
MAIMERI is one of the very first factories in Italy to manufacture artists' paints and varnishes.
Not only a rich collection of colors, but also precious hand-made papers, velvety and canvas cardboards, colored bevels and many thicknesses, up to mm.
Manetti’s gold leaf is made in multiple sizes and thicknesses to perfectly suit any material, surface form and texture and gilding technique.
Painting involves journeying into a world of colour, materials and feelings.
It means fully committing yourself to the quest for the moment where colour speaks.
It’s an epic journey which enables every painter to mark their canvas in a universal language:
that of pure emotion, the thrill of feeling.
Естествени върбови въглени за рисуване, графика и скици. Made in the United Kingdom.
ФОНДАЦИЯ „АРТОН България” е създадена с мисия да подкрепя и подпомага възстановяването на пациентите с онкологични заболявания от всички възрасти. Да създава креативни центрове и програми за изкуство и душевно здраве в болнични и извън болнични бази.
През 2011 год. екипът на Фондацията създава първата за България болнична Програма „АРТОН“ по арт терапия – за възстановяване на пациенти с онкологични заболявания. Провеждането на Програмата стартира в Клиника по детска хематология и онкология, Университетска болница „Св.Марина“ – Варна, а от април 2014 год. болнична Програма „АРТОН” започва да се провежда и в подкрепа на децата в останалите две специализирани клиники за лечение на деца с онкохематологични заболявания в страната – в София, и в Пловдив. Така Фондацията издига на национално ниво първата болнична програма за арт терапия в България.
Програма „АРТОН“ ангажира децата пациенти в седмичен график от различни творчески сесии, в които с помощта на арт терапевт и клиничен онкопсихолог паралелно на дългото и тежко болнично лечение всеки намира своето кътче за творчество, радост, спокойствие.
Представените платна са част от благотворителната инициатива в подкрепа дейността на Фондацията.Средствата от изложбата са насочени изцяло за нуждите на Програма АРТОН – арт терапия в болница за деца с рак. На всеки дарител предоставяме документ за реализираното дарение – Сертификат.
Титуляр на сметка: „АРТОН БЪЛГАРИЯ” ФОНДАЦИЯ
Банка: Българо Американска Кредитна Банка
IBAN: BG98BGUS91601002501700
LORKA Ltd. - production of interior and exterior paints, chalk paints and decoupage paints. Proven high quality. Made in Bulgaria
HQS е марка, собственост на Colorpack s.r.l., водеща компания в сектора на спрей бои от над 40 години. Наистина уникална и пълна гама от спрей бои и висококачествени и надеждни технически продукти, предназначени за ежедневна поддръжка и DIY.
Акрилна боя под формата на спрей. Подходящ за различни повърхности: дърво, пластмаса, метали, хартия, гума и гр. Изсъхва на допир за до 20 мин. Оставете да изсъхне напълно за още няколко часа за постигане на максимална здравина. Подходящ и за външна употреба. Спрейовете са устойчиви на вода и атмосферни условия. Предимство е бързото изсъхване и лесната употреба. Разход - около 2 кв.м. за флакон от 400 мл. (варира в зависимост от абсорбиращата способност на повърхността).
Линия Професионален RAL
Акрилната боя HQS е подходяща както за професионални потребители, така и за проекти „направи си сам“.
Акрилният емайл HQS разполага с широка гама от цветове, верни на стандарта RAL в лъскава версия а също и някои матови цветове, подходяща за всякакви повърхности: желязо, стомана, пластмаса, дърво и др.
Това е лесен за употреба и бързо съхнещ продукт.
What we do
Every product we develop has a concept. Therefore, we first select the most suitable paper for it, depending on the materials it will be used with. For us, each one is unique, providing a different experience when we draw or paint on it. We are privileged to be able to choose papers from all over the world. Constantly testing new types, we select only the best to use them in our production. Engaged in this process, we already offer a wide range of quality papers and we will continue to look for new and new ones.
Then we make the design. Our core philosophy is to create inspiring products. We can recreate a classic design according to our style or present the paper on the cover of the sketchbook depending on its concept. We have also developed various collections with artistic designs. The inspiration we can get from the works of different artists is irreplaceable for us and we will continue to develop this collaboration.
We start production. Much of the binding is done by hand, so to ensure the quality of our products, we pay attention to every detail during the process. We are constantly developing our technology and optimizing our production, always trying new binding and layout methods.